Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How are you?

Hello again~ Isn't this pretty good? Two new posts in the last two weeks! I am getting better.
I had a wonderful weekend.
Friday evening we went to Allie's "Family Dance". The girls had so much fun. Allie danced with all of her 2nd grade friends while Katie Bug ran around looking for someone to dance with her.
Saturday was my play time. I met my friend Joanne at Paper Vineyard where I soldered. I have been making some solder pieces for my calendars.
Sunday I was a art vendor at the Willow District Home Tour. I got to chat with a lot of really neat people. My booth was across from Cathy Manthey, Classy Critrque. She is very talented and loves vintage art like I do. I also met the owner Leslie Christensen from Frilly Frocks an awesome boutique on 7th Avenue in Phoenix.
Thanks to all of you who stopped by to see my calendars. I really appreciate your feedback!

Have a fun week!


flourish by mindy said...

Hi Shirley! It was so great seeing you on Sunday...hope you did well! If you get a chance - send me an email with some info. Thanks!

Tina said...

Shirley, Just found your blog through Mystic Paper. Love your calendars!! Very cool.
Hope to see you at PV again soon.

Unknown said...

Love your calendars. I want to get in touch with you regarding an indie craft fair that I am organizing in Phoenix this April. If you email me, I will send the information--would love to have you involved.